
Your tattoo may be done, but the work in taking care of it isn’t. Tattoo Aftercare is crucial for your tattoo to heal properly and look great for years to come.

We use two main options for aftercare. Depending on preference, needs, placement, type of tattoo, etc. one may be chosen over the other. Your artist will work with you to decide one so we can set you up for success in your healing process

Temporary Wrap

This is seen as more of the classic way of healing. This involves a temporary Saran Wrap covering, daily cleaning, and moisturizing.

  • Gently remove the wrap approximately 1-2 hours after the procedure

  • Using clean hands and light pressure, wash the tattoo under warm water using unscented antibacterial soap. Do not scrub.

  • Wash the area until plasma is removed (I.e. it doesn’t feel slimy anymore). Air dry the tattoo or pat the tattoo dry using disposable paper towels.

  • Apply moisturizer to the area after washing. Using recommended moisturizers only, massage the moisturizer in as if applying sunscreen (the goal is to penetrate the moisturizer in the skin) as to not create a film on the top of the skin. A little goes a long way. Do not over apply, as this will suffocate the skin and delay healing.

  • Repeat this process morning and night, and after anytime your tattoo was exposed to dirt, sweating, and other outside elements.

  • Continue this process for approximately 2 weeks or more if needed.

Derma Shield

This is known by many different names: Second Skin, Tegaderm, Derma Shield, etc. This is a clear adhesive bandage that forms a breathable, water resistant barrier over your skin.

  • Your Artist will apply the Derma Shield that is intended to stay on for 5-6 days.

  • Plasma build up is normal, the body will reabsorb this liquid most of the time.

  • If liquid build up is still present after 24-36 hours, remove the bandage and replace it with a second one, which you can keep on for up to 5-6 days.

  • If you don’t want to/can’t replace it with a second bandage, you can transition to taking care of it as if you took off a temporary wrap.

  • If any other fluids get under the Derma Shield, (I.e. water from the shower) or if it is damaged, remove immediately and contact your artist for further instruction.

  • The goal is for it to be a dry heal underneath.

  • You are okay to shower with the bandage on but do not submerge.

  • When it comes time for removal, do so carefully and don’t rip it off.

  • After removal, wash with unscented anti-bacterial soap, let air dry then apply a small amount of approved moisturizer. Continue to apply moisturizer as needed.

  • please note that Derma Shield is not an instant heal. The tattoo is still healing after taking it off and needs to be cared for as such.

  • Also note that Derma Shield is water resistant and not water proof and should not be submerged in water.

Just like tattooing has changed vastly over the last few years, the world of aftercare has also changed. The products and techniques that used to be recommended to heal tattoos aren’t what is recommended now. So don’t listen to your uncle, cousin, best friend twice removed, etc. Listen to your artist. We at Mad Creations work hard to stay knowledgeable and up to date on our practices to give you the highest level of care we can. Part of that is telling you to stay away from Aquaphor. It’s literally the worst.



Gold Dial Antibacterial Soap

What to look for:

  • Unscented

  • Antibacterial

  • Liquid Soap only

  • No Bar soap



Palmers Cocoa Butter

What to look for:

  • Cocoa Butter or Shea Butter (usually a solid, not a pump or liquid)

  • Nothing with fragrance, zinc, or petroleum

  • No Aquaphor

  • No A&D

  • No Vaseline


  • Remember that this is an open wound so be sure to keep away from chemicals, animals, etc.

  • Avoid clothing irritation during the healing process.

  • Make sure your hands are clean before touching the tattoo.

  • Do not rub, pick, or scratch the area.

  • No swimming, soaking, or sun tanning for at least 4 weeks. You may shower but be sure to clean all other body products off the area.

  • Lower leg tattoos often struggle with excess pressure. We recommend treating the area like a sprain (rest, elevation, Ibuprofen) to reduce pressure and extra stress.

  • There are different levels of ‘healed’ when it comes to healing a tattoo. Tattoos may seem healed as early as a few days in but there is still healing happening underneath the skin. Our general rule of thumb is that tattoos aren’t healed fully until 6-8 weeks in.